I grab my little clippers, a couple of our big plastic trays, and head out into our yard/nursery and begin cutting our succulents.  Cutting succulents is a journey.  The closest plants we have to our back door are some large groupings of Aeoniums, green, green and purple, and almost black but really purple!  The cutting is easy, within a few minutes I have enough Aeoniums to move on to the next plants along our maze of a backyard.  For me, Jade plants encompass 5-6 different types of jade we have in a small area.  Big dark green leaves are under our giant pinetrees, protected from the sun and heat of inland San Diego county keeps these guys nice and plump.  5 feet away we have 2 other types, 1 is longer and lighter in color, sorry no names right now I’m just writing away.  Then a few feet away froe the shade are other types that have turned lighter but with beautiful red tips.  The sun plays a lot of tricks on succulents, sometimes it enhances their appearance and other times it washes out their color.  experiment, water does the same, but regardless, their uniqueness is in their variety!

Within 45 minutes I’ve filled 3-4 trays with a nice variety of fresh cuttings, thinned out the herd a bit, and ready to put together some trays with other cuttings I have seperated out.  Something cool is even when your cuttings sit neglected and forgotten, weeks and even months down the road, they may wither and shrink and look wrinkly and shrunken, often times roots are formed as they seek out some soil to dig into.  sometimes I’ll get an email and it says a cutting is dead, and it makes me smile because it takes a lot of time!!! to kill a cutting, I mean a lot of TIME, rot is the usual culprit from too much water in poor draining soil, but even then it usually only takes another quick pruning and the plant can heal and is ready again in a few days to replant.

If interested in cuttings, don’t hesitate to check us out on etsy.com under the store sanpedrocactus or go directly to our website

www.thesucculentsource.com for your succulent needs, we always have succulent cuttings for sale! You can email us as well at  thesucculentsource@gmail.com

