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Here are the succulents we have sent so far. Stay a member to collect all 60 unique plants in one year!
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Here are the succulents we have sent so far. Stay a member to collect all 60 unique plants in one year!
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all the way from southern Africa, this unique-looking dwarf pine tree is truly one-of-a-kind. Bonsai enthusiasts cannot resist its charm and it's not hard to see why! The leaves of the Crassula tetragona plant are tiny plants sparsely branched with a woody, brown bark that adds an extra touch of pine tree-like illusionAt full maturity, this fabulous Crassula tetragona can reach just over 3 feet tall. When blooming it produces creamy white star-shaped flowers that burst forth from dense clusters at the tips of their branches during late spring or early summer.
Crassula rupestris 'Rosary Vine' is a branching succulent plant that grows up to 12" tall and 3' wide. The leaves are a pale green with slightly darker green along the margins. The flowers are deep-pink to pale-pink and show up in clusters.
This echeveria expresses a seasonal variegation in various colors, including pinks, apricots, golds, red roses and near whites. The center of the rosette will look like a sunset during this seasonal variegation. The rosettes can grow up to 3 inches in diameter. It has a shrubbing habit and can produce several offsets.
Drought tolerant when established. Native to Mexico, rosettes form semi-prostrate ground covers. Needs well-draining soil. Water thoroughly when soil is dry. Protect from frost to prevent possible scarring. Looks best with regular watering in hotter months.
Sempervivum is a genus of about 40 species of flowering plants in the family Crassulaceae, commonly known as houseleeks. Other common names include liveforever and hen and chicks, a name shared with plants of other genera as well. They are succulent perennials forming mats composed of tufted leaves in rosettes. This is a hardy, low-maintenance variety that looks great in containers, rock gardens, or tucked-in rock walls. 'Lemon Waves™' has fun rosettes of deep red with yellow-green tips. This is an easy to care for plant that will be a joy to have in the landscape.
Cubic Frost™’ (PPAF) displays a faint, subtle color. It tends to stay a crisp lilac, but can transform into a soft baby pink if it takes in more sunlight. It’s size is between 3.5”-5” in diameter. Once the plant has settled and has the proper environment to thrive, the ‘Cubic Frost™’ (PPAF) can reach anywhere between 6-10 inches. It prefers a dry climate and an environment that won’t reach chilling temperatures during the winter months. It is hardy, tough, and thrives best as a container plant. Full sun is handled well, but filtered light and morning sun will bring out the best in your Echeveria.
Sedeveria 'Blue Elf' is a beautiful blue-green rosette with a thick coating of powdery farina. The leaf tips can blush pink to burgundy, with the brightest colors showing during moderate stress from direct sun, water shortage, or cool temperatures around 40F. 'Blue Elf' even got the nickname "Happy Plant" because it can produce bright, yellow flowers multiple times a year.
Gollum Jade, also known as Crassula Ovata or "Money Plant", is a small shrubby succulent that can grow up to 3 feet tall and 2 feet wide. It has fascinating green finger-like leaves with a red circle on the tips and can produce small pinkish-white star-shaped flowers during late fall and early winter.
The Echeveria 'Elfstone' is a beautiful succulent that forms chunky, emerald green rosettes with tips blushed red. It can pretty quickly fill an 8" diameter pot. It produces deep orange flowers during April and May. Likes full to partial sun exposure.
This trailing succulent forms miniature golden rosettes, with leaves shaped like footballs. Its tips turn red when exposed to lots of sun. You can expect white blossoms in the Spring.
Sedeveria are hybrids of sedum and echeveria. They are succulent, and therefore drought-tolerant once established, and very suitable for rock-gardens. Most varieties will tolerate some shade. In Winter the lower leaves are shed, and should be removed so that fungus isn't harboured. 'Lilac Mist' is a Sedum x Echeveria hybrid which grows in clumps to 30cm wide and 20cm tall.
This succulent is a hybrid between a Graptopetalum and Echeveria. It has striking grey-green coloured, fleshy spoon-shaped leaves growing in a rosette on a stem. It is a popular groundcover plant in rockeries and water-wise gardens.
A native of South Africa, this succulent is known for being a slow grower and requiring a lot of care and nurturing since it is prone to breakage. When in the wild, it spreads across the ground and rocky slopes, creating a unique colorful landscape in otherwise arid environments. A warm-colored undemanding hanging plant that requires your love and care. This delicate succulent is considered uncommon and is often a collector’s preference.Calico Kitten Crassula has delicate stems and heart-shaped leaves ranging from deep purple to pink, green, pale yellow, all the way up to off-white.
Echeveria 'Tippy', also sold as Echeveria 'Sunburst', is a small succulent plant that forms beautiful rosettes of fleshy, bluish-green leaves with prominent pink tips, hence the hybrid name. The rosettes grow up to 6 inches
Crassula rupestris, called buttons on a string, is a species of Crassula native to Namibia and to the Cape Provinces of South Africa. It has gained the Royal Horticultural Society's Award of Garden Merit. It is also called bead vine, necklace vine, and rosary vine. It grows as a rounded, heavily branched succulent shrub and reaches heights of up to 600 millimeters. The roots are fibrous. The initially green, 2 millimeter thick shoots turn gray-brown with age, and measure 5 millimeters in diameter and then have peeling bark.
Sedum hernandezii : A stemmed succulent with jelly bean-like leaves. This Mexican species has particularly stout, hairy stems that can even reach 0.4" in diameter. Its bright green leaves grow in four columns and have a crackled look to their skin. Large star-shaped yellow flowers appear in winter and spring
Echeveria 'Cris' is an adorably green charmer loaded with chunky lime-green leaves that all fit into a compact rosette. The leaf tips are pinkish-red, giving it a subtle pop of color. ... Green echeverias are terrific accents for variegated succulents and those sporting oranges, reds and pinks in particular.
Haworthia retusa is native to South Africa and is commonly called Star Cactus. This Haworthia variety is a perennial soft window succulent; it is not a cactus. Succulent lovers adore this plant because of its impressive appearance. The leaves are translucent triangle-shaped and bending backward, which is a ‘retusa’ feature. The leaves form rosettes with clumped offsets appearing while they are growing. Additionally, the plant is low-maintenance and can be grown indoors with ease. The flowering season is spring and summer when the plant bears small white flowers, enhancing its look.
Kalanchoe tomentosa ‘Chocolate Soldier’ is known for its unique, felted texture. Forms a dense, upright bush of oblong, olive green to brownish leaves. Dark spots line the edges of the hairy succulent foliage. Clusters of yellow-green flowers bloom on tall stems above the foliage. Over time, this succulent will form a woody stem with clumping branches.
Crassula Tom Thumb to customers looking for a low-maintenance succulent for a container or houseplant collection. This miniature succulent offers many benefits. Densely stacked triangular foliage is pale green with red edges, growing in an upright habit of 6" tall. Tiny white blooms in spring and .5" long leaves make this a perfect choice for a gift or fairy garden addition. This plant packs plenty of texture and visual interest in its small size, flourishing with occasional water and no other maintenance. This plant is especially well-suited to growing as a houseplant on a sunny windowsill or in bright indirect light.
Pleiospilos compactus subsp. canus is a dwarf succulent with pairs of two fleshy, quite thick leaves growing opposite each other and fused at the base. It produces up to three leaf pairs per branch, forming a small clump. The lumpy leaves are gray-green with scattered dark dots and often flushed with pink. They are triangular in cross-section and can grow up to 2 inches (5 cm) long and 0.8 inches (2 cm) wide. The plant produces new leaves annually, letting the old ones dry and disappear in their own time.
Senecio haworthii is a rare succulent plant that belongs to the Asteraceae family. Growing from 10 to 25 cm in height, this houseplant originates from South Africa. The cylindrical white leaves give this summer-dormant plant a unique look. Senecio haworthii has popular common names like “Woolly Senecio” and “Cocoon Plant”. Avoid overwatering this plant. Since it is prone to root rots, make sure to let the soil dry between watering.
A beautiful small succulent branching at the base with a cluster of stems that grow to about 8 inches tall with 2 1/2 inch wide rosettes bearing many tightly arranged 1 inch long green deltoid shaped leaves with fine hairs along the margins. The older rosettes sit atop slender bare stems while younger ones have leaves the length of the stems. The leaves turn red in the sun with colder temperatures in winter but are green in summer or when grown in shade.
Pachyveria 'Glauca' is a beautiful succulent that forms spikey rosettes resembling a jewel. Leaves are thick and almost cylindrical. They are silvery-blue tipped with red and have a thick coating of farina that gives the plant a soft powdery appearance. Flowers are pinkish on the outside and peach-colored inside. It tolerates high heat and intense sunlight. As with most succulents from the Crassulaceae family, Pachyphytum can tolerate poor soil conditions so long as it is well-draining. It can thrive in full or partial sunlight.
String of Buttons (Crassula perforata 'Variegata') (Thunberg): One of the best-loved stacked Crassula species with alternating, triangular leaves of pale green and cream variegation. It is native to South Africa where it grows among rocks and in the crevices of cliffsides and blooms from midsummer to fall. When grown in full sun, the edges can take on a rosy pink hue. It branches freely, growing up to 10.0" tall in cultivation for a nice spilling effect in arrangements.
Zebra Plant (Haworthiopsis fasciata) "Zebra" is used per the distinctive white bumps that line the outside of its leaves. In nature, it grows in the shrublands of South Africa with acidic soil and partial shade or filtered light. Its ability to tolerate low light makes it a fantastic indoor succulent.Haworthia are able to tolerate low, indoor light, making them excellent houseplants, even for beginners. They are particularly easy to grow and rarely affected by common succulent pests and diseases. Strong, drought-tolerant roots will grow if they have great drainage and infrequent water.
The Succulent Plant Graptosedum California Sunset. A succulent plant that boasts beautiful coloring resembling the shades of the sky on a perfect California Sunset. What a wonderful way to have your own California Sunset everyday.
This species of Jade has thin tube-like leaves. It needs a bright indirect light, and can get some direct sun. A succulent plant with small pink or white flowers. It is native to South Africa, and is common as a houseplant worldwide. Jades are evergreen plants with thick branches and smooth, rounded, fleshy leaves that grow in opposing pairs along the branchesIt wants water twice a month or when the soil dries out completely. 4" plants best for a 5" pot with drainage. 10" plants best for an 11"-12" pot with drainage. Well draining soil is recommended
This unique Aloe is endemic to a small region in Kenya, East Africa and has made its way into cultivation in the nursery trade throughout the United States and Europe. The thick, emerald-green leaves have light green and white spots on both the inner and outer surface.Each leaf has translucent, creamy white teeth along its margins. They have the appearance of being sharp, but are really quite bendable.
Portulacaria afra 'Variegata' (Rainbow Bush) - A sprawling, slow growing succulent shrub with attractive reddish-brown stems and variegated cream and green ¾ inch long leaves. A very easy to grow succulent that works as a great bonsai plant, hanging basket or even a hedge in frost free climates. The green form will slowly reach 8 to 12 feet in height with an equal spread but the variegated form is slower growing and will likely remain considerably smaller and in containers even more so. Size is also easily controlled with selective pruning and a smaller pot. The stems of this shrub will thicken very fast giving the plant an old appearance at a young age. The lavender pink flowers are seldom seen outside the wild but the knobbed tan-reddish stems with colorful leaves makes a nice accent in the landscape
Crassula lycopodioides, “Watch Chain”, is a prolific propagator! It is easily propagated from stem cuttings. If growing outdoors it’s best to plant in an area where it can spread and trail. It is not cold hardy, it should be brought indoors when the temperature falls below 20° F
The upright, chubby leaves of Graptoveria ‘Moonglow’s rosettes create the backdrop for an absolutely mesmerizing display of pastel color. The innermost portion of each leaf features a creamy bluish green tone, which radiates into hues of magenta and lilac towards the margins when amply ‘stressed’. Like all fleshy succulents, it is important not to overwater, as excess moisture can readily lead to rot or pest infestation. To avoid this fate, be sure to provide ‘Moonglow’ with a porous soil mixture, a well-draining pot, and a thorough but infrequent watering routine.
This native to Madagascar species from the kalanchoe genus makes a nice addition to any succulent plant collection, grown indoors.
The panda plant being a succulent type species grows thick leaves for water storage purposes, which means watering less often for the grower. These leaves are covered in tiny hairs that give the plant a velvety look and feel.
A truly opalescent rosette and wonderfully low-maintenance. Keep it in partial sun and it will be a powdery blue-green. Move it into sunnier conditions and it will flush pink at the edges. Its distinctive leaves stay fairly upright and can grow into a 6" wide rosette.
The leaves are fuzzy, wedge-shaped and plump, with lovely crinkles at the end. The crinkled edges turn slightly red when it's getting enough light. A. cristatus grows bright red, adventitious roots along the stems.
It likes bright light, but too much sun and heat will cause it to bleach and wrinkle in a very sad manner.
This succulent has small plump petals that can range in a variety of hues. Most come with green leaves that turn into a pinkish color towards their tip or rim. These are hardy plants that like porous soil with good drainage, and enjoy limited direct sun. I particularly like this Echeveria when it has been stressed and becomes a deep orange color. Graptoveria Bashful will be great in a container or garden setting. Sunset zones 8 and 12 -24. Water when soil is dry.
Echeveria ‘Lime n Chile’, forms concentric rosettes of chunky lime green, slightly translucent leaves that often are blushed reddish at tips. Offsets prolifically to form attractive clusters. Flowers are larger than some Echeverias, and are a bright tangerine, with darker orange outer petals and much visited by hummingbirds for their nourishing nectar.
Echeveria 'Dusty Rose' is a beautiful succulent that forms rosettes of powdery pinkish-violet leaves with pink margins. The rosettes can grow up to 8 inches (20 cm) in diameter and offset freely, forming attractive clusters in time. The color of the leaves becomes more intense in strong light.
During the spring and summer, the rosettes send up tall stalks from which hang striking coral pink, bell-shaped flowers. Echeveria 'Dusty Rose' is an Altman Plants original hybrid
This succulent has beautiful blue leaves with a hint of silver that also will produce pink tips when grown in full sun. This succulent will also produce beautiful orange-pink flowers during the spring which makes this succulent look even more beautiful.
The pachyveria powder puff succulent can grow all the way up to 6 inches tall and 6 inches wide.
The pachyveria powder puff succulent can grow all the way up to 6 inches tall and 6 inches wide.
This dwarf jade is a variation of Crassula ovata named 'Crosby's Compact'. This variety tends to have yellow-green leaves that blush to full red with sun exposure. They do best in full sun, but can tolerate bright shade. Easy to grow in a container, taking care not to over water. Succulent arrives in a 4" growers pot ready for potting.
Ripple Jade is a succulent plant in the stonecrop family that has the most ripply blue-green leaves of the jades. It can grow up to 4 feet tall and rarely blooms in cultivation. Provide bright light and well-drained soil and bring inside before a frost.
“Tiger’s Jaw” has thick, fleshy green leaves that have a triangular shape. The “teeth” along its edges are used to collect moisture. Twice annually, if it receives enough light, you can see yellow flowers during the day in the fall and winter.
A beautiful rosette-forming succulent that has interestingly colored acuminate leaves that are a pale grayish brown with pink highlights and have a white powdery dusting, sometimes referred to as pruinose.
The leaves overlap nicely in 5 to 6 inch wide solitary rosettes that eventually grow up on a slender stem. The flowers, which appear in summer on 1 foot long reddish-stemmed inflorescences, are a corral pink color on the exterior with a yellow interior.
Lithops are a genus of succulents native to southern Africa. These are often called living rocks or pebble plants. They are slow growing and rarely get more than 1" above the soil. These guys split with growth and a new baby will come up through the fissure~ they also produce a cute yellow or white flower after this process. Finicky with water, they are susceptible with root rot since the leaves store so much water. Do not water in the winter at all. This is generally when they split and watering during this time will lead to plant death. During the other seasons, water just 1 time every 3 weeks.
The plant is known to be an echeveria hybrid with frosty hues. The plant is best known for the beautiful pale green to matt green leaves with pinkish edges. When it flowers you can expect it to produce red flowers.
Lola is a variety of Echeveria Leisel which is a member of the Echeveria family. Its botanical name is Echeveria 'Lola'. An evergreen, so it will retain its leaves throughout the year. Lola is known for growing to a height of approximately 5.85 inches.
It is a succulent / ornamental that typically grows as a perennial, which is defined as a plant that matures and completes its lifecycle over the course of three years or more.
This variety tends to bloom in early spring.
It is a cross of two South African succulents, Crassula perforata known as 'String of Buttons', with Crassula rupestris ssp. marnieriana. Baby Necklace is a very hardy and ornamental plant with small, rounded, fleshy leaves tightly stacked, and usually multicolored resembling a string of beads like on a necklace.
Echeveria are popular low growing ornamental garden plants. Although they are fairly drought tolerant, they will become more spectacular with regular deep watering and fertilising. The hybrids tend to be less tolerant of frost and shade. In temperate climates, most species will lose their lower leaves in winter and become 'leggy' and less attractive. Echeveria are also popular pot plants and appear in most succulent collections. 'Arctic Ice' has ice-blue-green succulent leaves
The BABY TOES plant, also known as Fenestraria Rhopalophylla, is a charming, tough succulent that grows small, packed club-like leaves. They are relatively easy to take care of as they can thrive on neglect. But one still needs to know how to properly grow one for them to remain adorable. DETERMINING THE RIGHT TIME TO WATER YOUR BABY TOES IS VERY EASY! IF YOU FEEL THAT THEIR SOIL IS COMPLETELY DRY TO THE TOUCH OR WHENEVER YOU SEE THAT THE TIPS ON THE LEAVES START TO LOOK A BIT WRINKLED OR SLIGHTLY SHRUNKEN, THEN IT IS TIME TO GIVE THEM A NICE GOOD DRINK OF WATER
In terms of height, it usually tops out at around 6 inches (15 cm.). Its leaves are relatively short and spiky. They are bright green with white spots and translucent white spikes, or teeth, along their edges. In late spring and summer, the plant produces bright to deep red bell-shaped flowers that are very attractive to hummingbirds. They like good air circulation and bright, indirect light. If grown indoors, they are ideal for window sills.
This blue succulent is named for it's miniature size. Each rosette is up to 1.6" in diameter with densely packed leaves that form a tight mounding cluster. The leaves have well-defined points with pink tips. This plant is indigenous to Mexico.
Sedum adolphii, native to Mexico, forms rambling stems with waxy golden yellow leaves with pinkish-peach margins in bright light. Star-shaped white flowers. Excellent color accent in rock gardens and dish gardens. Porous soil with adequate drainage.