All clippings arrived healthy n beautiful, one even had flower just in time to enjoy the bloom. Very pleased and will order again.
Trichocereus BARGAIN Bridgesii Cactus cuttings, $20 each and shipping. These are either named clones, hybrids, or Lost Labels. A variety of lengths, thicknesses, tips and mids, and all are guaranteed to have some nicks, dents, dings, scrapes, pokes and or nibbles etc. that helps explain the bargain price. Ready for you to grow out and nurture, thanks!
Handle with CARE and please see our FAQ for basic care info.
**Cactus are not perfect, they may have small flaws, we try and photograph all sides of a cactus including any flaws that catch our attention, but please do not expect every spine to be perfect, these are growing cactus and like people, they have character!