Jude does all/most of the work, and Jude gets all the money after paying for shipping cost!
Jude likes Aloes and Agaves! And there are lots of Aloes & Agaves out there so make sure you check out all his pages including his Aloe Cuttings and Pups page if you don't want potted plants.
Many Aloes will begin shooting pups forming tightly growing clumps as can be seen in pictures. You can allow them to grow like this or you can gently pull away smaller plants by hand or use snips. Individual cuttings/pups are also for sale and will need to be planted with roots given 3-4 weeks approx. to begin rooting(some may already have roots), please see our Care page on rooting.
Drought tolerant when established. Protect from freezing temps.
***Some tips may already be naturally dried, broken etc, this is natural for a succulent with so many fragile tips, but we always do our very best to send the nicest plants available. Brown tips will be minimal but this is just a heads up for anyone expecting absolute perfection in a living succulent with dozens of tips.
These are also baby/juvenile plants that will outgrow older leaves. Also, direct and intense sun/heat can bring out color hues that full shade does not.
Aloe/agave colors can vary based on time of the year, temps, sunlight, watering etc. This factor is also called "stressing. ***
We do our best with names, please purchase via the images as some agaves are so close, hybrids, and collectors/sellers may have labeled some of ours incorrectly.