All clippings arrived healthy n beautiful, one even had flower just in time to enjoy the bloom. Very pleased and will order again.
2", 2.5", 4" , 6" refers to container size. Sizes of plants may vary.
Gasterias are one of my favorite succulents because they are just so darn interesting to look at and handle. They are native to South Africa and their name comes from the Latin word for “stomach”, which refers to the shape of their flowers. Interestingly though it's their tongue like shape that many of their common names come from.
Gasterias are easy to grow and do well in pots, both indoors and outdoors. Avoid direct and sustained sunlight, shade and partial sun via a window if indoors works great. Like all succulents, if your plant does not appear to be doing well, address it's watering, direct
Most gasterias grow during the winter when temps are cooler, opposite of most succulents which tend to grow during the warmer spring and summer months. It's important to remember this as it could be a problem if they get too much water during our summers. Use well draining soil, and always remember to never water when wet, only water if dry!
The easiest way to propagate gasterias is by seperating the pups that grow alongside the mother plant. Leaf cuttings also work. Experiment!
The main issue that can effect the appearance of Gasterias are the black spot fungus that can appear out of nowhere and for no known reason. It's not lethal, but it can effect the appearance of it's leaves. Sometimes we get spots on our gasterias, some websites say it can be caused from water sitting on their leaves for extended periods. Again, it's not a plant killer, and as the plant grows, you can gently remove the older/outer leaves that had any spots.