***pics are just samples of prior orders, every order is different, every order is unique. I always try and mix up spine length, shape, color etc. based on stock available.
Three pack of mixed Trichocereus Lost Label Bargain Special cactus cuttings, average 7-10" in length. Lost Label means somewhere along the way their Label/ID tags were lost and I can't definitively ID them properly. Pachanoi, Bridgesii, Peruvianus, Huarazensis, Huanocoensis, Scopulicola, Cuzcoensis, possible hybrids of these etc. Stock changes weekly, each three pach will have different looks to them, pics are examples of cuttings, they will be healthy and good looking specimens, some of my favorites to grow and cut. Great addition to your collection, ready to be rooted, potted and given a new home
Handle with CARE and please see our FAQ for basic care info.
Cactus FAQ
**Cactus are not perfect, they may have small flaws, we try and photograph all sides of a cactus including any flaws that catch our attention, but please do not expect every spine to be perfect, these are growing cactus and like people, they have character!